Once upon a time I had no Big Stick. I had to walk - limp - alone in the wilderness. Then my olllld Friend and co-conspirator Rockin' Royal Kershner came to visit me in Ohio. He had heard that I had no defense when walking alone in the woods nor a stick to lean on. To help me ward off the Vampires, Werewolves, and Bears so common in Ohio, he went out under a full moon in the cool Arizona night and found a yucca glowing in the moon's aura. He knew he had found the Big Stick of all sticks! His trusty dog at his side, Royal cut the huge stick from the center of the Yucca and took it back to Casa Kershner where he stroked and polished like only a Reservite can stroke! When it shone to his lofty specifications Royal strung a piece of dried buffalo hide through the hole he had drilled at the top and declared, "The Stick is Big!". He then drove straight to Ohio to bring me the gift of a Big Stick. I have not seen a single werewolf, vampire or Bear since the day Big Stick came to live with me.
Today Big Stick has the Watch Dragon hanging from his Hidey Hole on top to better be on the watch for evil doers, bloodsuckers, tea baggers and Republicans:
As you can see Watch Dragon has a lot of Balls and fears nothing! Big Stick accompanies me on all of my adventures these days and when appropriate the Red Headed Irish Girl takes photos of me and My Big Stick. Occasionally I allow her to hold the Big Stick but he remains all mine!
Some of the Adventures of Big Stick:
Big Stick has been a fan of Elvis's ever since he heard Hunks Hunks Burnin'...etc.
A known Vampire haunt along the Mahoning Valley Bike
TrailWe went here for medicinal reasons but didn't inhale
Big Stick chased the Giant Frog of Congress back into the desert
Big Stick and me on our morning constitutional at Gulf Shores Alabama
Enjoying the view at Kelley's Island on Lake Erie. Big Stick said he could see Michigan from there but I don't know....
My boyah Pete. I let him handle Big Stick.
Me and the stick at the SRV Statue in Austin. The stick still thinks his version of "The Sky is Crying" is the definative version!
The stick & me enjoying spring at Brandywine Falls.
Texas is full of Aliens and other strange life forms but after a close encounter with my Big Stick they were happy to make him their leader!